Friday, October 29, 2010

New page- Music

I just added a new page -Music. There you can find some tracks that I like .Enjoy it!

Ruxi C.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

HYPEED's cover girl for the Satchel Bags Fashion feature!

After I uploaded my pictures on Hypeed I recieved a message from Slanelle , who is a part of Hypeed team.If you will visit the Hypeed Site , you will see my picture as a cover for the Satchel Bags Fashion feature!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

High Hopes

It may sound stupid but today I had the largest number of visitors till now (2oo people).Not very much but enough to make me feel sadisfied for the moment.I hope that I can keep this number or even better and maybe some day I'll reach the number of 30.000/40.000 daily like The Cherry Blossom Girl.High hopes..

Ruxi C.

Ellie Sab

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Octombrie - Fashion Diary

A trecut ceva timp de cand nu am facut o mini-sedinta foto cu Diana, am avut o zi superba si ne-am simtit super bine, sper ca pozele sa va placa.
Ps: Deoarece am primit multe e-mailuri in care mi se comanda haine de pe revue de mode, tin sa precizez ca site-ul pe care vand haine este : si ca hainele expuse pe acest blog NU sunt de vanzare.

It's been a while since I took my last pictures with Diana, we had a great day and we felt very good, I hope you enjoy th pictures.
Ps: Because I've recived a lot of e-mails where people ask me to sell my clothes , I want to announce that my clothes are not for sale. You can shop from my closet from here:

Purtam :

Hanorac gri,basic ,primit cadou
Tricou I love Paris , primit cadou
O vesta de blugi- 5 Lei
Blugi Pieces- 30 lei
Platforme- 50 lei

I was wearing:

Gray sweatshirt, recived as a gift
I love Paris t-shirt, recived as a gift
Jeans vest -1.60$
Pieces Jeans-9.70$
Heels- 16$

Jacheta de militar- Fara pret
Military jacket- Unknow price
Tricou H&M- 5 lei
H&M T-shirt-1.60$
Fusta Only-Fara pret
Only skirt- Unknow price
Platforme Berska- 200 Lei
Berska Heels-65$

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back in Business

Am luat o mica pauza , de un weekend, pentru a da un nou look blogului De asemenea am adaugat blogului inca 4 pagini secundare:
  • Inspiration: Aici voi posta fotografii,citate si alte lucruri care ma inspira .
  • Wish List: E destul de evident numele paginii, lucruri care mi le-as dori.
  • My photos: Fotografii facute de mine.
  • Just me: O sectiune a blogului, in care voi posta fotografii cu mine in diferite ipostaze care nu au legatura cu "Revue"-urile de moda , cu alte cuvinte , o alta parte din mine.
Sper sa vad placa.Am atasat in partea stanga a blogului, un sondaj, pentru a afla parerea voastra.

I took a little break, one weekend,to give the blog a new look,I also added to the blog another 4 secondary pages:

  • Inspiration: Here I will add photos ,qoutes and another things that inspire me .
  • Wish List: The name of the page is pretty obviously, is just a wish list.
  • My photos: Photos made by me.
  • Just me: Is a section of the blog where I will post photos with me in different situation which are unrelated with my fashion diary, in other worlds, another part of me.
I hope you like it. I have attached a survey on the left side of the blog, to know your opinion.

Hugs, Ruxi C.

My Dr Martens

Acum 2 saptamani am fost la targul de la Negreni si bineinteles ca am adunat o multime de minunatii , dar achizitia mea centrala fabuloasa si ubercool : Dr Martens boots , si nu orice fel de bocanci Dr Martens ci exact cum imi doream, plini de floricele colorate! Sunt foarte fericita ca i-am putut lua la un pret de 20 lei , intr-o stare acceptabila , chiar buna, pe site fiind aprox 120 $ (365Ron) (variaza in functie de model ).
Ps: Esti mereu asa atent la dorintele mele , multumesc!

About 2 weeks ago, i was to Negreni fair and obviously I earn a lot of lovely thing, but the central piece were :my Dr Martens boots , and not any Dr Martens boots ,but with floral print , very colored ,cheerful and ubercool.I'm very happy that i buy them with 6 $ (20 Ron), in a good condition , in fact the real price is 120 $.
Ps: You are always so careful at my desire, Thank You !

Poti sa iti cumperi proprii tai Dr Martens de AICI.

You can buy your own Dr Martens from HERE.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Daca tot veni vorba de reduceri, va invit sa aruncati o privire pe blogul Alexandrei , unde puteti beneficia de reduceri la aproape toate produsele si sa vedeti ( din nou) o prezentare foarte frumoasa a hainelor in cateva fotografii superbe:)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

*LOVE (wish list)

98% Cotton/poly/nylon blend, 2% Spandex

Cu siguranta fac parte din lista mea de dorinte!Ii puteti comanda de AICI.

They belong to my wish list!!You can buy them from HERE.

price: 32 $
Pret: 98 Lei


Arunca o privire pe blogul meu cu hainute! REDUCERI!

Curea dantelata- 25 lei
Rochita vintage-30 lei
Vestuta gri cu 2 parti -15 lei
Maieu Berska -10 lei

Si altele!

Take a look at my blog! Sale!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vote !

Click here , vote!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Colectie Louis Vuitton la 360 grade

Colectia Louis Vuitton 2011 pentru femei, la 360 grade pe iPhone, iPad si Facebook

Louis Vuitton este primul brand de lux care realizeaza un show de moda «la 360 grade», in care modelele prezentate in colectia prêt-a-porter primavara/vară 2011 pentru femei vor putea fi rotite pentru a putea fi studiate din toate unghiurile.

Imediat dupa prezentarea Louis Vuitton de astazi, de la Paris Fashion Week, modelele noii colectii pentru femei vor fi fotografiate cu 52 de camere simultan si apoi montate in cadre sensibile la miscare, ce vor putea fi rotite cu 360 de grade, astfel incit fiecare piesa va putea fi studiata cu atentie din fata, din spate sau din lateral. Acest experiment digital va putea fi urmarit on-line incepind de astazi, de la ora 21.00 (ora Romaniei), pe Facebook, iPhone si iPad. Imaginile vor putea fi vizionate timp de o saptamana pe, sau pe iPad sau iPhone, pe

Data: 06 octombrie 2010Autor: Georgiana Mitroi
Sursa: The one magazine

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Paris street chic

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Sti acele lucruri care raman in mintea ta odata ce le vezi? si iti aduci mereu si mereu aminte de ele si le doresti...hehe , acum 2 saptamani am vazut perechea perfecta de botine si am inceput sa-mi strang ceva banuti, sper ca, cat de curand le voi avea.Ideale!:D

You know those things that remain stuck in your mind when you see them? and you remember them over and over again... 2 weeks ago i saw the perfect pair of boots and i began to earn some money . I hope that , they will be mine very soon.

Shop: ZARA
Price: 300 LEI

Monday, October 4, 2010

Zara kids lookbook