Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Un om...

El este ...un om, un simplu om, dar unul foarte special pentru mine:)
Va invit sa aruncati o privire pe blogul sau ...
"Blog-ul de fata arunca reflectoare asupra conditiei umane, dezbracand-o de filtrele obisnuite..."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Vrei sa ai un aer chic cu doar 15 lei?

M-am gandit sa fac o postare in care sa va arat ca se poate frumos si cu putin... Am alcatuit o tinuta care sa fie exact de 15 lei (exceptand accesorile) . In curand o sa variez in jurul acestui numar , jongland cu alte minunatii ahizitionate la pret de nimic.

I thought to make a post where I will show you that you cand look beautiful with few money..I made an outfit with 4.30$ (15 lei, except accesories ).Very soon I will vary around this amount ,juggling with beautiful things purchased at a minimum price.

esarfa din par - 0,50 bani
blue scarf-0.15$

tricou- 0.50 bani
T-shirt- 0.15$

Fusta- 5 lei

Papucei transparenti- 9 lei
Transparent slippers- 2.60$

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cauti un blog cu haine accesibile si deosebite?

Ei bine , eu l-am gasit ! Nu numai ca e un blog din care poti sa sa-ti alegi haine foarte dragute la un pret foarte bun ci felul in care sunt prezentate produsele il duce mai departe , la adevarat blog plin de voie buna si de seriozitate in care poti sa ai incredere! Alexandra ( care e colaborator la site-ul intre fete si redactor la apropo.ro ) va pune la dispozitie acest blog cu ajutorul caruia va puteti reinoi garderoba ca doar a venit vara!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lady gaga

Cu ocazia aparitiei noului videoclip ALEJANDRO pe care toata lumea la asteptat cu mainile la gura ( puteti sa il vizionati aici) am sa scriu despre renumita, admirata si controversata Lady Gaga.Demult am asteptat sa am o ocazie sa scriu despre ea si acum cred ca a sosit si momentul...

1.Lady Gaga? Nimeni nu stia nimic de ea inainte ca hitul JUST DANCE sa ajunga in topurile modiale ,era un videoclip relativ ok putin tipicar dar si-a castigat repede fanii .Apoi a urmat POKER FACE care deasemenea a avut un succes rasunator ,Gaga continuand asfel sa scoata hit dupa hit...Ok , dar de la ultimele 2 (respectiv si in cele de dinainte , care nu o faceau asa pe fata) VIDEOPHONE si ALEJANDRO cred ca a exagerat cu mult... Tot ce vezi in aceste videoclipuri este moarte, violente, sex si in ultimul , asa cum a afirmat si ea promoveaza homosexualii, afirmand ca ii admira pentru curajul lor.Ok ,nu contest ca are o voce intradevar foarte buna , asta am realizat cand m-am uitat la un filmulet in care ea canta live SPEECHLESS( puteti viziona aici) , dar totusi conceptile promovate de ea in videoclipurile si in versuri mi se par total gresite .(ca si apropo, mie chiar imi place piesa ALEJANDRO dar videoclipul ma scarbeste)

2. In legatura cu stilul ei... controversatul sau stil... Da am admirat-o pentru curaj si pentru originalitatea de care da dovada, dar apoi am stat sa ma gandesc putin. Aceasta Lady Gaga, nu a fost tot timpu asa, sa ne amintim cu era imbracata in video-clipul JUST DANCE... chiar tipicar iar apoi a aparut dintr-o data o Diva , care ne da un exemplu de stil si care poarta mai mereu haine haute couture...am tras o privire la cateva fotografii mai vechi cu Lady Gaga,care defapt nu sunt chiar asa vechi...in care e apare ca o tanara domnisoara absolut normala . Intrebarea mea: Daca LG da peafara de stil si de originalitate , oare de ce s-a manifestat abea cand a ajuns celebra? Moda e pasiune cum surprindea si Medine Pop ( blog ). Nu ai cum sa nu fi miscat si pe dinafara cand apare aceasta pasiune in tine, deci mergem mai departe si ajungem la urmatoarea concluzie , ca pasiunea aceasta s-a nascut brusc cand ea a devenit celebera, si aici vine a doua mea intrebare: Aceasta pasiune care a aparut brusc si intr-o data , oare nu a aparut doar de dragul de a fi celebra si controversata?
Nu pot mege mai departe fiindca (din fericire) nu sunt LG si nu vreau sa continui pe presupuneri de ale mele care nu am nimic in spate sa le sustina.

In concluzie nu vreau sa par un anti-fan LG , fiindca m-as contrazice ,chiar imi place muzica ei, dar ideile eronate o arunca intr-un colt al nebuniei .De multe ori ma inspira stilul ei, dar de foarte multe ori am senzatia ca o face doar pentru a atrage atentie nicidecum pentru ca ar fi tare incantata cat de bine arata sau ce creatie geniala este .Parerea mea...:)

Now , Alejandro the new video from Lady Gaga is available .Everyone waited to see it.( you can watch it here) I will write about the famous artist ,admired and controversial Lady Gaga . I waited a long time to have the opportunity to say something about her…

1.Lady Gaga? Nobody knew anything about her before the hit JUST DANCE that reached in Top Hoteles.Was an ok video , trivial , but LG won fans.Then Poker Face was another great hit ,and LG continued to release hit after hit.Ok..but the last 2 videos VIDEOPHONE and ALEJANDRO I think she exaggerated …Everything you see in those videos is death ,violence ,sex and in the last one, as she said she promotes homosexuality saying that she have respect for those people and for their courage.Ok, I don’t mean that she has not a good voice ,she got a beautiful voice ,and I realized that when I watched her singing live SPEEACHLESS( you cand see the video right here) but that does not excuse her conceptions and the lyrics promotes by her which are totally wrong.(by the way, I like the song ALEJANDRO but the video makes me be sick)

2.About her style …her controversial style..yes,I admired LG for her courage and for her eccentricity ,but then I started to think .This famous LG ,was not always like this.I remember her in the video JUST DANCE …really trivial and In a second she was a Diva , who gaves us a style example and she is wearing all the time haute couture clothes … I found some old pictures with LG ,which actually aren’t so old…and she was a normal lady, not a GAGA lady…she was looking just like a normal young lady.My question is: If Lady Gaga is full of style and eccentricity why she showed that only after she became famous? Fashion is passion just like Medine Pop was saying (blog).There is no way to not be moved by this passion outside.So we go further and suppose that her passion suddenly appeared when she became famous and here is my second question : This passion which suddenly appeared isn’t just for sake of the fame?

I can’t go further because I’m not her and I don’t want to continue on my assumptions which aren’t supported by clearly evidence.

In the end I don’t want to seem like an anti fan because I would contradict myself, I really like her music but her conceptions are erroneous ideas that throw her in a crazy corner.LG often inspire me , but very often I feel that is just to attract some attention and no because she likes how she looks or she thinks it’s a genius creation.My opinion…

Friday, June 11, 2010

For the rest of my life

Iar dupa... nu se va sfarsi...va continua o vesnicie!
There's no end!

Se apropie ziua targului ( care va fi la a doua editie) "din mana-n mana". Daca totul va merge cum am planuit atunci locatia va fi una ce va va surprinde

The fair day is comming( which will be to the second edition) "third hand". If everythings gonna be how we plan , than you will have a surprise about the location.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glam City

Luni seara am fost chemata de draga mea Alice...pe un bloc sa ne delectam cu apusul si sa facem cateva poze.Rezultatul?

Monday evening I was called by my dear Alice...on a block to enjoy the sunset and make some pictures.The result?

Bentita roz- Aldo 25 lei
Pink headband-Aldo 7.15$

Maieu roz - secondhand Only aprox 20 lei
Pink Shirt- secondhand Only about 5.70$

Jacheta cu paiete -vero moda 12 lei
jacket with sequins- vero moda 3.40$

Colanti - Vero moda 40 lei
tights- Vero moda 11.40$

Papuci transparenti - secondhand 9 lei
Transparent ballet shoes - secondhand 2.50$

inel-Accesorize 30 lei
Ring- Acessorize 8.50$

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cinderella shoes

Valoroasa mea achizitie de 2 lei (fantastica,fabuloasa,unica si nemaivazuta)

My precious acquisition just for 0.50 $ (fantastic, fabulous, unique and unmatched)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today WAS the day...

Azi A FOST ziua...care se v-a continua tot restu vietii mele...fiindca sunt extreeemm de obosita o sa detaliez si o sa adaug fotografii zilele vitoare! Ii multumesc Lui Dumnezeu pentru TOT!

Today WAS the day...which will continue for the rest of my life...because I'm extremly tired i will detail and i will post some pictures next days!! My thanks are for God, I thank Him for EVERYTHING!


AZI E ZIUA CEA MARE MARE! :d Chiar daca e 1 noaptea ,e azi.peste catea ore , marturia mea va fi auzita de multimi vazute si nevazute..."Domnul e bun cu cine nadajduieste in El, cu sufletul care -L cauta"
Plangerile lui Ieremia 3:25

Today is THE DAY! Even if is 1 am, is today! Over some hours i Will say my testimony in front of mob of creatures seen and unseen. "The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him"
Lamentations 3:25

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lucruri minunate

Inca un site cu lucruri minuate de data aceasta haine, papuci , acesorii...Am sa postez cateva dintre preferatele mele lucruri de pe-acolo.:)

Another site with charming things,shoes, clothes and accesories...I will post some of my favorites.:)

Cayman Fur

Jeffrey Campbell

Statement Braided Necklace


Cabbage Rose Dress

Betsey Johnson Archives is a collection that revisists the designer's punk roots from her back catalog (mainly the 80's and 90's).

Collectia Archives a lui Betsey Johnson e o colectie care revizuieste catalogul designerului punk din radacini (mai ales din anii 80 si 90)


Empire Earrings


Conceptul din spatele 80%20 vine de la un designer numit Ce Ce Chin care a observat ca tindem sa purtam favoritele noastre (20%) din garderoba, 80% din timp.

The concept behind 80%20 came from designer Ce Ce Chin's observation that we tend to wear our favorite 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time.



Si lista e muuult muult mai lunga...

And the list is much longer....

Just one day...

A mai ramas doar o zi...

"Caci El este Dumnezeul nostru si noi suntem poporul pasunei Lui, turma, pe care o pavatuieste mana Lui... O! De ati asculta azi glasul Lui.."
Psalmul 95:7

"Because He is our God and we are the people in his care, the flock that he leads. If only you would listen to him today!"

Friday, June 4, 2010

2 days..

Psalm 31:14
Dar eu mă încred în Tine, Doamne, şi zic: "Tu eşti Dumnezeul meu!"

But I trust in You, Lord; I say: "You are my God"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Look.

Va spuneam de un site de street fashion momentan anonim si a aparut un nou look pe care din nou nu ma pot abtine sa nu il postez.

I told you about a site, street fashion site currently anonymous and there is a new look which I just can't wary to show you.


Am gasit astazi un minunat sacou, pe care il subestimez daca zic doar "minunat"...Incredibil si superb ,lucrat pana la cel mai mic detaliu la doar...15 lei..abea astept sa am ocazia sa-l port:)

Today I found a great blazer ,but if i say just "great" i think I underestimate it..Incredible and beautiful ,worked to the lowest details for just...4.4 $ (15 RON)..I can't wait to have the opportunity to wear it.