Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Short trip

After a long week , me and my BF , Diana, decide to take a little vacation to my grandparents.Unfortunately my foto camera broke so the photos are quite simple.Friday evening we had a great time, we painted our lips with black gloss and than we had a funny fight and we smeared with black( photos below).We also did some shopping from second-hand shops.
Dupa o saptamana luna, eu si Diana, am decis sa mergem intr-o mica vacanta la bunicii mei. Din pacate camera mea foto s-a stricat asa ca fotografiile sunt destul de basic.Vineri seara ne-am distrat de minune , ne-am vopsit buzele cu luciu negru , dupa care am avut o bataie amuzanta in care ne-am mazgalit ( poze).Si bineinteles ca am dat o tura pe la cateva second-handuri.
My dear grandparents!
Dragii mei bunici..:)
Acquisition from a Second Hand Shop with 0.90$
Achizitie dintr-un magazin Second-hand cu 3 lei

Me and Diana
Eu si Diana
After fight
Dupa bataie


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Angelina Jolie - Strong and Seductive Vogue

Monday, November 22, 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/jeleuieftin

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wildfox, Spring 2011, official look book

"It's here, it's long and it's got our hearts in it so I hope you enjoy all these images! We have a waited a while to release them and are excited to hear your thoughts and love."-Kimberley

Wildfox, Spring 2011

ph: Emir Eralp

Models: Jennifer Pugh, Naty Chanbanenko, Daria Zhemkova

Make up: Carlene K

Styling: Emily Faulstich, Kimberley Gordon, Meredith Leyerzaph

Hair: Marki Shkreli

Made possible by Jimmy Sommers

"E aici, e lung si are inima noastra in el, asa ca sper sa va bucurati si sa va placa toate aceste imagini!Am asteptat ceva timp pana sa le eliberam si abea asteptam sa auzim parerile voastre!"-Kimberley (from wildfox)

Wildfox, Primvara, 2011

Foto: Emir Eralp

Modele: Jennifer Pugh , Naty Chanbanenko,Daria Zhemkova

Aranjat: Emily Faulstich, Kimberley Gordon,Meredith Leyerzaph

Machiaj: Carlene K

Par: Marki Shkreli

Cu ajutorul: Jimmy Sommers

Pentru marime completa click pe poza!

For full size click on picture!

Love, Ruxi C.